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2021-02-10 Qt: Split Layout of TabWidget and TextEdit

  • I would like have a split window with a TabWidget and TextEdit in vertically as follows.


  • in Qt creator, darg in a TabWidget and a TextEdit
  • Select these two components and right button mouse to call the menu, select [Layout] → [Lay Out Vertically in Splitter]
  • Select the MainWindow, right button mouse to call the menu, select [Layout] → [Lay Out in a Grid]
  • Now, we can build the project and enjoy it.


  • 265 person(s) visited this page until now.

Permalink blog/2021-02-10_qt5_split_layout_of_tabwidget_and_textedit.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/22 15:12 by jethro
