2024-01-04 Mac Emulator - Basilisk II
Basilisk II emulates up to a 68040 Macintosh. You can install up to Mac
OS 8.1 in the emulated machine.
BasiliskII for Windows
Most recent build:
BasiliskII for Windows (17-12-2023)
BasiliskII for Windows (28-08-2023)
BasiliskII for Windows (23-08-2023)
BasiliskII for Windows (10-08-2023)
Drag and drop of one disk image onto the Basilisk window. CD, HD, and floppy images show up on the desktop as read-only CDs. Dragging the CD icon to the trash or choosing “Special/Eject” (Mac
OS 8 and above) unmounts the image (when selected).
Image formats that were already not supported can show up as Audio CDs.
You cannot a have a real CD mounted and use this option at the same time.
You cannot mount more than one disk image this way.
BasiliskII for Windows (11-07-2023)
BasiliskII for Windows (03-12-2022)
Selecting an OpenVPN tap device in the
GUI and running tap based networking
BasiliskII for Windows (12-07-2022)
BasiliskII for Windows (26-01-2022)
Prevents Windows key press to open Windows start menu, see option Reserve Windows Key in the Keyboard/Mouse tab in the
BasiliskII for Windows (02-09-2021)
BasiliskII for Windows (29-05-2021)
Basilisk142 (from before the Just-In-Time compiler was integrated):
All Macintosh ROMs (68K + PPC)
Permalink blog/2024-01-04_mac_emulator.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/04 13:52 by