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2024-01-10 VC++/CLI: Global Variable and Global Array

  • Global variable define in VC++/CLI
  • #pragma once
    namespace TestCheckProject {
       using namespace System;
       using namespace System::ComponentModel;
       using namespace System::Collections;
       using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
       using namespace System::Data;
       using namespace System::Drawing;
       /// <summary>
       /// Summary for MainForm
       /// </summary>
       public ref class MainForm : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
             //TODO: Add the constructor code here
             Global global = gcnew Global();
       private: System::Void button_CurveCalculate_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
          gCalc_Arr[0] = Convert::ToInt32(((gDefCalc_Arr[4,1] - gDefCalc_Arr[3,1]) /
    			(gDefCalc_Arr[4,0] - gDefCalc_Arr[3,0])) * 1000.0);
       int idx;
       // 1D Array 
       array<double, 1>^ gCalc_Arr = gcnew array<double, 1>(10);
       array<double, 1>^ gDefCalc_Arr = gcnew array<double, 1>(10);
       // 2D Array
       array<double, 2>^ g_Arr1 = gcnew array<double, 2>(6, 2);
       array<double, 2>^ g_Arr2 = gcnew array<double, 2>(2, 801);
       //int * gCalc_Arr = new int[10];
       //int * gDef_Arr = new int[10];
       //float * gSDFArr1 = new float[6,2];
       //float * gSDFArr2 = new float[2, 801];


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Permalink blog/2024-01-10_vc_clr_global_variable_and_global_array.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/10 16:09 by jethro
