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2024-08-08 C#: GetOpt library for C#


  • #region License
     /*	  xacc                																											*
     	*		Copyright (C) 2003-2006                          *
     	*																																							*
    	*		This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify			*
    	*		it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as            *
      *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or					*
    	*		(at your option) any later version.																				*
    	*																																							*
    	*		This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,						*
    	*		but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of						*
    	*		GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.												*
    	*																																							*
    	*		You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License	*
    	*		along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software								*
    	*		Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Text;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Schema;
    using System.Xml.Serialization;
    #if TESTGA
    namespace Xacc.Utils
    	#region Test code
    #if TESTGA
    	[ArgOptions(MessageBox=false,AllowShortcut = true, CaseSensitive=false, Prefix="-", Seperator=" ", ShortcutLength=1)]
    	class MyArgs : xacc.Utils.GetArgs
    		//			argtype			argname				default value
    		[ArgItem("Specifies the level of stuff", Shortname="lev")]
    		public	int					level				= 5;
    		[ArgItem("The best server in the world")]
    		public	string			server			= "";
    		public	bool				debug;
    @"This is long description
    for usernames, because it takes
    multiple arguments and could
    confuse a user.")]
    		public	string[]		usernames;
    		public	DayOfWeek		day;
    	class Test 
    		// compile with: 
    		// -d:TEST -doc:GetArgs.xml -nowarn:0649,1591 GetArgs.cs
    		// run with:
    		// -lev : 10 -d -usernames: {leppie, is , the, 1337357} -DAY : Monday
    		static void Main()
    			MyArgs a = new MyArgs();
    			Console.WriteLine("level:     {0}", a.level);
    			Console.WriteLine("server:    {0}", a.server);
    			Console.WriteLine("debug:     {0}", a.debug);
    			Console.WriteLine("day:       {0}",;
    			if (a.usernames != null)
    				foreach (string name in a.usernames)
    					Console.WriteLine("  {0}, ", name);
    	/// <summary>
    	/// Provides customization of argument parsing.
    	/// </summary>
    	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=true)]
    	public class ArgOptionsAttribute : Attribute
    		string prefix			= "-";
    		string seperator	= ":";
    		bool casesensistive = true;
    		bool allowshortcut	= false;
    		bool msgbox					= false;
    		int shortcutlength  = 1;
        bool pauseonerror   = false;
        bool ignoreunknown  = true; 
    		/// <summary>
    		/// The prefix to use for the argument name eg '-'
    		/// </summary>
    		public string Prefix
    			get {return prefix;}
    			set {prefix = value;}
      	/// <summary>
    		/// The seperator to use for the argument eg ':'
    		/// </summary>
    		public string Seperator
    			get {return seperator;}
    			set {seperator = value;}
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Specifies whether argument names are case sensitive.
    		/// </summary>
    		/// <remarks>Case sensitive by default</remarks>
    		public bool CaseSensitive
    			get {return casesensistive;}
    			set {casesensistive = value;}
        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies whether unknown arguments are ignored.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>true by default</remarks>
        public bool IgnoreUnknownArguments
          get {return ignoreunknown;}
          set {ignoreunknown = value;}
        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies whether the user must press enter before an error condition exits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>False by default</remarks>
        public bool PauseOnError
          get {return pauseonerror;}
          set {pauseonerror = value;}
        /// <summary>
    		/// Whether shortcut argument names will be allowed.
    		/// </summary>
    		/// <remarks>
    		/// The shortname will be the 1st letter of the argument name. If another argument starts
    		/// with the same letter, the second shortname will not be used. See ArgItemAttribute for
    		/// customization.
    		/// </remarks>
    		public bool AllowShortcut
    			get {return allowshortcut;}
    			set {allowshortcut = value;}
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Specifies the length of shortcut names, eg 1 or 3.
    		/// </summary>
    		public int ShortcutLength
    			get {return shortcutlength;}
    			set {shortcutlength = value;}
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Specifies whether a MessageBox will be shown rather than printing to the console.
    		/// </summary>
    		public bool MessageBox
    			get {return msgbox;}
    			set {msgbox = value;}
      /// <summary>
      /// The default input argument
      /// </summary>
      [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=false)]
      public sealed class DefaultArgAttribute : ArgItemAttribute
        bool allowname = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies to accept name too.
        /// </summary>
        public bool AllowName
          get { return allowname; }
          set { allowname = value; }
    	/// <summary>
    	/// Allows customization of specific argument items.
    	/// </summary>
    	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple=false, Inherited=false)]
    	public class ArgItemAttribute : Attribute
    		string shortname		= null;
    		string description	= null;
        string name         = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of ArgItemAttribute.
        /// </summary>
    		public ArgItemAttribute()
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Creates an instance of ArgItemAttribute with the description of the argument.
    		/// </summary>
    		/// <param name="description">the description of the argument</param>
    		public ArgItemAttribute(string description)
    			this.description = description;
    		/// <summary>
    		/// The description of the argument.
    		/// </summary>
    		public string Description
    			get {return description;}
    			set {description = value;}
        /// <summary>
        /// The name, if different, of the argument (if used).
        /// </summary>
        public string Name
          get { return name; }
          set { name = value;}
    		/// <summary>
    		/// The short form of the argument (if used).
    		/// </summary>
    		public string Shortname
    			get {return shortname;}
    			set {shortname = value;}
    	/// <summary>
    	/// An ultra simplistic class for managing command line arguments parsing.
    	/// </summary>
    	/// <remarks>
    	/// <p>Just inherit from this class making all args that need to be parsed
    	/// public fields. Once you instantiate the inherited class the commandline
    	/// arguements will be parsed and will be applied to the field in a
    	/// type-safe fashion.</p>
    	/// <list type="bullet">
    	/// <item>Pass -? or -help for help regarding usage from the commandline.</item>
    	/// <item>Argument values cannot contain spaces unless it is single or double quoted.</item>
    	/// <item>Argument values must be convertable via a TypeConvertor.</item>
    	/// <item>The class will print exceptions and/or any errors to to Console.Error.</item>
    	/// <item>If an exception is generated, the application will exit and print usage.</item>
    	/// <item>Only the first occurance of an argument will be accepted, additional 
    	/// duplicate arguments will be ignored.</item>
    	/// </list>
    	/// </remarks>
    	/// <example>
    	/// <code>
    	/// [ArgOptions(MessageBox=false,AllowShortcut = true, CaseSensitive=false, Prefix="-", Seperator=":")]
    	/// class MyArgs : xacc.Utils.GetArgs
    	/// {
    	/// 	//			argtype			argname				default value
    	/// 	[ArgItem("Specifies the level of stuff", Shortname="lev")]
    	/// 	public	int					level				= 5;
    	/// 	[ArgItem("The best server in the world")]
    	/// 	public	string			server			= "";
    	/// 	public	bool				debug;
    	/// 	[ArgItem(
    	/// @"This is long description
    	/// for usersames, because it takes
    	/// multiple arguments and could
    	/// confuse a user.")]
    	/// 	public	string[]		usernames;
    	/// 	public	DayOfWeek		day;
    	/// }
    	/// class Test 
    	/// {
    	/// 	// compile with: 
    	/// 	// -d:TEST -doc:GetArgs.xml -nowarn:0649,1591 GetArgs.cs
    	/// 	// run with:
    	/// 	// -level: 10 -debug -usernames: {leppie, is , the, 1337357}
    	/// 	[STAThread]
    	/// 	static void Main(string[] args)
    	/// 	{
    	/// 		MyArgs a = new MyArgs();
    	/// 		Console.WriteLine("level:     {0}", a.level);
    	/// 		Console.WriteLine("server:    {0}", a.server);
    	/// 		Console.WriteLine("debug:     {0}", a.debug);
    	/// 		Console.WriteLine("day:       {0}",;
    	/// 		if (a.usernames != null)
    	/// 		{
    	/// 			Console.WriteLine("usernames:");
    	/// 			Console.WriteLine("{");
    	/// 			foreach (string name in a.usernames)
    	/// 			{
    	/// 				Console.WriteLine("  {0}, ", name);
    	/// 			}
    	/// 			Console.WriteLine("}");
    	/// 		}
    	/// 	}
    	/// }
    	/// </code>
    	/// </example>
    	public abstract class GetArgs
        static readonly Dictionary<Type, string> aliasmap = new Dictionary<Type, string>();
    		static GetArgs()
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(int)			, "int");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(string)		, "string");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(bool)			, "bool");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(uint)			, "uint");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(byte)			, "byte");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(char)			, "char");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(short)		, "short");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(ushort)		, "ushort");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(long)			, "long");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(ulong)		, "ulong");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(decimal)	, "decimal");
    			aliasmap.Add(typeof(sbyte)		, "sbyte");
    		static string GetShortTypeName(Type t)
    			if (aliasmap.ContainsKey(t))
    				return aliasmap[t];
    			return t.Name;
        static XmlSchema GetSchema(Type t)
          if (t.IsPublic)
            XmlReflectionImporter xri = new XmlReflectionImporter();
            XmlTypeMapping xtm = xri.ImportTypeMapping(t);
            XmlSchemas schemas = new XmlSchemas();
            XmlSchemaExporter xse = new XmlSchemaExporter(schemas);
            foreach (XmlSchema xs in schemas)
              return xs;
          return null;
        void GetSchema(TextWriter w)
          XmlSchema xs = GetSchema(GetType());
          if (xs != null)
    		class ArgInfo
    			readonly FieldInfo fi;
    			readonly GetArgs container;
    			bool handled = false;
    			object _value;
          internal readonly object defaultvalue;
    			readonly ArgItemAttribute options;
    			public ArgInfo(FieldInfo fi, GetArgs container, object defaultvalue)
            this.defaultvalue = defaultvalue; = fi;
    				this.container = container;
    				object[] att = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ArgItemAttribute), false);
    				if (att.Length == 0)
    					options = new ArgItemAttribute();
    					options = att[0] as ArgItemAttribute;
    			public ArgItemAttribute Options
    				get {return options;}
    			public string Name
    				get {return options.Name ?? fi.Name;}
    			public Type Type
    				get {return fi.FieldType;}
    			public object Value
    					if (_value != null)
    						return _value;
    					return defaultvalue;
    					if (!handled &&(_value == null || !_value.Equals(value)))
    						fi.SetValue(container, value);
    						_value = value;
    						//handled = true;
    		string MakeArg(string name, string shortname)
    			if (!allowshortcut || shortname == null)
    				return name;
    			return string.Format("({0}|{1})", shortname, name);
        void PrintHelp(Dictionary<string, ArgInfo> map)
    			TextWriter writer = null;
    			if (msgbox)
    				writer = new StringWriter();
    				writer = Console.Out;
    			Assembly ass = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
    			AssemblyName assname = ass.GetName();
    			AssemblyCopyrightAttribute acopy = null;
    			object[] atts = ass.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false);
    			if (atts.Length > 0)
    				acopy = atts[0] as AssemblyCopyrightAttribute;
    			string progname = string.Format("{0} {1}.{2} {3}", assname.Name, assname.Version.Major, assname.Version.Minor,
    				acopy == null ? string.Empty : acopy.Copyright);
    			if (!msgbox)
    			writer.WriteLine("Usage: {0}", assname.Name);
    			writer.WriteLine("{0}? or {0}help       prints usage", prefix);
          List<string> keys = new List<string>(map.Keys);
          bool acceptsdefault = false;
    			foreach (KeyValuePair<string,ArgInfo> de in map)
    				ArgInfo arginfo = de.Value;
    				string name = de.Key;
    				string shortname = arginfo.Options.Shortname;
    				if (shortname == name)
            if (name == MAGIC)
              acceptsdefault = true;
    				Type t = arginfo.Type;
            if (t.IsArray)
    					writer.WriteLine("{2}{0,-15}{3} {{ <{1}> , ... }}", 
    						MakeArg(name, shortname), 
    						prefix, seperator);
    					if (t == typeof(bool))
    						writer.WriteLine("{2}{0,-15}  {3,-20} default: {1}", 
    							MakeArg(name, shortname), 
    							(bool) arginfo.defaultvalue ? "on" : "off", prefix, "(toggles)");
    						writer.WriteLine("{3}{0,-15}{4} {1,-20} {2}", 
    							MakeArg(name, shortname), 
    							"<" + GetShortTypeName(t) + ">", 
    							arginfo.Value != null ? "default: " + arginfo.Value : string.Empty, prefix, seperator);
    				if (arginfo.Options.Description != null)
    					string[] lines = arginfo.Options.Description.Split('\n');
    					foreach (string line in lines)
    						writer.WriteLine("    {0}", line.TrimEnd('\r'));
          if (acceptsdefault)
            writer.WriteLine("Non-named arguments are used as input.");
    			writer.WriteLine("Note: Argument names are case-{0}sensitive.", casesensitive ? string.Empty : "in");
    			if (msgbox)
    				MessageBox.Show(writer.ToString(), progname);
    		//note: these are static just to improve performance a bit
    		static bool casesensitive, allowshortcut, msgbox, pauserr, ignoreunknown;
    		static string seperator, prefix;
    		static int shortlen;
    		static Regex re, arrre;
        const string MAGIC = "kksjhd&^D3";
        static GetArgs defvals = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of GetArgs
        /// </summary>
    		protected GetArgs()
    			const BindingFlags flags =	BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
    							BindingFlags.Public |	BindingFlags.Instance;
    			Type argclass = GetType();
    			if (re == null)
    				ArgOptionsAttribute aoa = argclass.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ArgOptionsAttribute), true)[0]
    					as ArgOptionsAttribute;
    				casesensitive = aoa.CaseSensitive;
    				allowshortcut = aoa.AllowShortcut;
    				seperator			= aoa.Seperator;
    				prefix				= aoa.Prefix;
    				msgbox				= aoa.MessageBox;
    				shortlen			= aoa.ShortcutLength;
            pauserr       = aoa.PauseOnError;
            ignoreunknown = aoa.IgnoreUnknownArguments;
    				re = new Regex(string.Format(@"
    (({0}																# switch
    (?<name>[_A-Za-z][_\w]*)						# name (any legal C# name)
    ({1}																# sep + optional space
    (((""(?<value>((\\"")|[^""])*)"")|	# match a double quoted value (escape "" with \)
    ('(?<value>((\\')|[^'])*)'))|				# match a single quoted value (escape ' with \)
    (\{{(?<arrayval>[^\}}]*)\}})|				# list value (escaped for string.Format)
    (?<value>\S+))											# any single value
    )?)|																# sep option + list
    (((""(?<value>((\\"")|[^""])*)"")|	# match a double quoted value (escape "" with \)
    ('(?<value>((\\')|[^'])*)'))|				# match a single quoted value (escape ' with \)
    (\{{(?<arrayval>[^\}}]*)\}})|				# list value (escaped for string.Format)
    (?<value>\S+)))*										# any single value",						
    					seperator.Trim() == string.Empty ? @"\s+" : @"\s*" + Regex.Escape(seperator) + @"\s*"
    					RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture| RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
    				arrre = new Regex(@"\s*(?<value>((\\,)|[^,])+)(\s*,\s*(?<value>((\\,)|[^,])+))*\s*", // escape , with \
    					RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
    			Dictionary<string, ArgInfo> argz = new Dictionary<string, ArgInfo>();
          string allargs = Environment.CommandLine;
          allargs = allargs.Replace(string.Format(@"""{0}""", Application.ExecutablePath), "").Trim();
    			if (prefix == string.Empty)
    				throw new ArgumentException("prefix cannot be empty string");
          if (defvals == null)
            defvals = this;
            string schemafilename = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location + ".args.xsd";
            string deffilename = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location + ".args";
            if (!File.Exists(schemafilename))
              using (TextWriter w = File.CreateText(schemafilename))
            if (File.Exists(deffilename))
              using (TextReader deffile = File.OpenText(deffilename))
                defvals = new XmlSerializer(GetType()).Deserialize(deffile) as GetArgs;
              using (TextWriter w = File.CreateText(deffilename))
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                new XmlSerializer(GetType()).Serialize(sw, this);
                string all = sw.ToString().Replace(" xmlns:xsd=\"\"", 
                  string.Empty).Replace(" xmlns:xsi=\"\"", 
            return; //this
    			foreach (FieldInfo fi in argclass.GetFields(flags))
    				object defval = fi.GetValue(defvals);
    				string n = fi.Name;
    				if (!casesensitive)
    					n = n.ToLower();
            fi.SetValue(this, defval);
    				ArgInfo ai = new ArgInfo(fi, this, defval);
            if (ai.Options is DefaultArgAttribute)
              argz.Add(MAGIC, ai);
            //be very careful with the next line!
            if (!(ai.Options is DefaultArgAttribute) || ((DefaultArgAttribute)ai.Options).AllowName) 
              argz.Add(n, ai);
              if (allowshortcut)
                string sn = ai.Options.Shortname;
                if (sn == null)
                  int nlen = n.Length - 1;
                  if (nlen > 0 && shortlen < n.Length)
                    sn = n.Substring(0, nlen < shortlen ? nlen : shortlen);
                    if (!argz.ContainsKey(sn))
                      argz.Add(sn, ai);
                      ai.Options.Shortname = sn;
                  if (!argz.ContainsKey(sn))
                    argz.Add(sn, ai);
          defvals = null;
    			if (allargs.StartsWith(prefix + "?") || allargs.StartsWith(prefix + "help"))
    			Group g = null;
    			bool haserror = false;
          foreach (Match m in re.Matches(allargs))
            string argname = null;
              if (m.Value == string.Empty)
              object val = null;
              if ((g = m.Groups["name"]).Success)
                argname = g.Value;
                if (!casesensitive)
                  argname = argname.ToLower();
                argname = MAGIC;
              ArgInfo arginfo = argz[argname];
              if (arginfo == null)
                if (ignoreunknown)
                  Console.Error.WriteLine("Warning: Ignoring argument unknown '{0}'", argname);
                  Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Argument '{0}' not known", argname);
                  haserror = true;
              Type t = arginfo.Type;
              if (t == null)
              if (t.IsArray && argname != MAGIC)
                if ((g = m.Groups["arrayval"]).Success)
                  Type elet = t.GetElementType();
                  TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(elet);
                  Match arrm = arrre.Match(g.Value);
                  if (arrm.Success)
                    Group gg = arrm.Groups["value"];
                    Array arr = Array.CreateInstance(elet, gg.Captures.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
                      arr.SetValue(tc.ConvertFromString(gg.Captures[i].Value.Trim()), i);
                    val = arr;
                if ((g = m.Groups["value"]).Success)
                  string v = g.Value;
                  if (t == typeof(bool) && (v == "on" || v == "off"))
                    val = v == "on";
                    if (t.IsArray)
                      ArrayList vals = new ArrayList();
                      if (arginfo.Value != null)
                        vals.AddRange(arginfo.Value as ICollection);
                      TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(t.GetElementType());
                      val = vals.ToArray(typeof(string)) as string[];
                      TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(t);
                      val = tc.ConvertFromString(v);
                  val = t == typeof(bool);
              arginfo.Value = val;
            catch (Exception ex)
              Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Argument '{0}' could not be read ({1})", 
                argname, ex.Message, ex.GetBaseException().GetType().Name);
              haserror = true;
    			if (haserror)
            if (pauserr && !msgbox)
              Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");


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