using System; namespace MicroLibrary { /// <summary> /// MicroStopwatch class /// </summary> public class MicroStopwatch : System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch { readonly double _microSecPerTick = 1000000D / System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency; public MicroStopwatch() { if (!System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.IsHighResolution) { throw new Exception("On this system the high-resolution " + "performance counter is not available"); } } public long ElapsedMicroseconds { get { return (long)(ElapsedTicks * _microSecPerTick); } } } /// <summary> /// MicroTimer class /// </summary> public class MicroTimer { public delegate void MicroTimerElapsedEventHandler( object sender, MicroTimerEventArgs timerEventArgs); public event MicroTimerElapsedEventHandler MicroTimerElapsed; System.Threading.Thread _threadTimer = null; long _ignoreEventIfLateBy = long.MaxValue; long _timerIntervalInMicroSec = 0; bool _stopTimer = true; public MicroTimer() { } public MicroTimer(long timerIntervalInMicroseconds) { Interval = timerIntervalInMicroseconds; } public long Interval { get { return System.Threading.Interlocked.Read( ref _timerIntervalInMicroSec); } set { System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange( ref _timerIntervalInMicroSec, value); } } public long IgnoreEventIfLateBy { get { return System.Threading.Interlocked.Read( ref _ignoreEventIfLateBy); } set { System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange( ref _ignoreEventIfLateBy, value <= 0 ? long.MaxValue : value); } } public bool Enabled { set { if (value) { Start(); } else { Stop(); } } get { return (_threadTimer != null && _threadTimer.IsAlive); } } public void Start() { if (Enabled || Interval <= 0) { return; } _stopTimer = false; System.Threading.ThreadStart threadStart = delegate() { NotificationTimer(ref _timerIntervalInMicroSec, ref _ignoreEventIfLateBy, ref _stopTimer); }; _threadTimer = new System.Threading.Thread(threadStart); _threadTimer.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest; _threadTimer.Start(); } public void Stop() { _stopTimer = true; } public void StopAndWait() { StopAndWait(System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite); } public bool StopAndWait(int timeoutInMilliSec) { _stopTimer = true; if (!Enabled || _threadTimer.ManagedThreadId == System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) { return true; } return _threadTimer.Join(timeoutInMilliSec); } public void Abort() { _stopTimer = true; if (Enabled) { _threadTimer.Abort(); } } void NotificationTimer(ref long timerIntervalInMicroSec, ref long ignoreEventIfLateBy, ref bool stopTimer) { int timerCount = 0; long nextNotification = 0; MicroStopwatch microStopwatch = new MicroStopwatch(); microStopwatch.Start(); while (!stopTimer) { long callbackFunctionExecutionTime = microStopwatch.ElapsedMicroseconds - nextNotification; long timerIntervalInMicroSecCurrent = System.Threading.Interlocked.Read(ref timerIntervalInMicroSec); long ignoreEventIfLateByCurrent = System.Threading.Interlocked.Read(ref ignoreEventIfLateBy); nextNotification += timerIntervalInMicroSecCurrent; timerCount++; long elapsedMicroseconds = 0; while ( (elapsedMicroseconds = microStopwatch.ElapsedMicroseconds) < nextNotification) { System.Threading.Thread.SpinWait(10); } long timerLateBy = elapsedMicroseconds - nextNotification; if (timerLateBy >= ignoreEventIfLateByCurrent) { continue; } MicroTimerEventArgs microTimerEventArgs = new MicroTimerEventArgs(timerCount, elapsedMicroseconds, timerLateBy, callbackFunctionExecutionTime); MicroTimerElapsed(this, microTimerEventArgs); } microStopwatch.Stop(); } } /// <summary> /// MicroTimer Event Argument class /// </summary> public class MicroTimerEventArgs : EventArgs { // Simple counter, number times timed event (callback function) executed public int TimerCount { get; private set; } // Time when timed event was called since timer started public long ElapsedMicroseconds { get; private set; } // How late the timer was compared to when it should have been called public long TimerLateBy { get; private set; } // Time it took to execute previous call to callback function (OnTimedEvent) public long CallbackFunctionExecutionTime { get; private set; } public MicroTimerEventArgs(int timerCount, long elapsedMicroseconds, long timerLateBy, long callbackFunctionExecutionTime) { TimerCount = timerCount; ElapsedMicroseconds = elapsedMicroseconds; TimerLateBy = timerLateBy; CallbackFunctionExecutionTime = callbackFunctionExecutionTime; } } }
using System; namespace MicroTimerConsoleDemo { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Program program = new Program(); program.MicroTimerTest(); } private void MicroTimerTest() { // Instantiate new MicroTimer and add event handler MicroLibrary.MicroTimer microTimer = new MicroLibrary.MicroTimer(); microTimer.MicroTimerElapsed += new MicroLibrary.MicroTimer.MicroTimerElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent); microTimer.Interval = 1000; // Call micro timer every 1000µs (1ms) // Can choose to ignore event if late by Xµs (by default will try to catch up) // microTimer.IgnoreEventIfLateBy = 500; // 500µs (0.5ms) microTimer.Enabled = true; // Start timer // Do something whilst events happening, for demo sleep 2000ms (2sec) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); microTimer.Enabled = false; // Stop timer (executes asynchronously) // Alternatively can choose stop here until current timer event has finished // microTimer.StopAndWait(); // Stop timer (waits for timer thread to terminate) // Wait for user input Console.ReadLine(); } private void OnTimedEvent(object sender, MicroLibrary.MicroTimerEventArgs timerEventArgs) { // Do something small that takes significantly less time than Interval Console.WriteLine(string.Format( "Count = {0:#,0} Timer = {1:#,0} µs, " + "LateBy = {2:#,0} µs, ExecutionTime = {3:#,0} µs", timerEventArgs.TimerCount, timerEventArgs.ElapsedMicroseconds, timerEventArgs.TimerLateBy, timerEventArgs.CallbackFunctionExecutionTime)); } } }