Offset from base address ADC_0: 0xFFE0_0000 ADC_1: 0xFFE0_4000 | Register name | Location |
0x0000 | Main Configuration Register (MCR) | on page 754 |
0x0004 | Main Status Register (MSR) | on page 755 |
0x0008–0x000F | Reserved | |
0x0010 | Interrupt Status Register (ISR) | on page 757 |
0x0014–0x001F | Reserved | |
0x0020 | Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) | on page 757 |
0x0024–0x002F | Reserved | |
0x0030 | Watchdog Threshold Interrupt Status Register (WTISR) | on page 758 |
0x0034 | Watchdog Threshold Interrupt Mask Register (WTIMR) | on page 759 |
0x0038–0x003F | Reserved | |
0x0040 | DMA Enable Register (DMAE) | on page 760 |
0x0044 | DMA Channel Select Register 0 (DMAR0) | on page 761 |
0x0048–0x004F | Reserved | |
0x0050 | Threshold Control Register 0 (TRC0) | on page 762 |
0x0054 | Threshold Control Register 1 (TRC1) | on page 762 |
0x0058 | Threshold Control Register 2 (TRC2) | on page 762 |
0x005C | Threshold Control Register 3 (TRC3) | on page 762 |
0x0060 | Threshold Register 0 (THRHLR0) | on page 763 |
0x0064 | Threshold Register 1 (THRHLR1) | on page 763 |
0x0068 | Threshold Register 2 (THRHLR2) | on page 763 |
0x006C | Threshold Register 3 (THRHLR3) | on page 763 |
0x0070–0x0093 | Reserved | |
0x0094 | Conversion Timing Register 0 (CTR0) | on page 764 |
0x0098–0x00A3 | Reserved | |
0x00A4 | Normal Conversion Mask Register 0 (NCMR0) | on page 764 |
0x00A8–0x00B3 | Reserved | |
0x00B4 | Injected Conversion Mask Register 0 (JCMR0) | on page 766 |
0x00B8–00C7 | Reserved | |
0x00C8 | Power-down Exit Delay Register (PDEDR) | on page 767 |
0x00CC–0x00FF | Reserved | |
0x0100 | Channel 0 Data Register (CDR0) | on page 767 |
0x0104 | Channel 1 Data Register (CDR1) | on page 767 |
0x0108 | Channel 2 Data Register (CDR2) | on page 767 |
0x010C | Channel 3 Data Register (CDR3) | on page 767 |
0x0110 | Channel 4 Data Register (CDR4) | on page 767 |
0x0114 | Channel 5 Data Register (CDR5) | on page 767 |
0x0118 | Channel 6 Data Register (CDR6) | on page 767 |
0x011C | Channel 7 Data Register (CDR7) | on page 767 |
0x0120 | Channel 8 Data Register (CDR8) | on page 767 |
0x0124 | Channel 9 Data Register (CDR9) | on page 767 |
0x0128 | Channel 10 Data Register (CDR10) | on page 767 |
0x012C | Channel 11 Data Register (CDR11) | on page 767 |
0x0130 | Channel 12 Data Register (CDR12) | on page 767 |
0x0134 | Channel 13 Data Register (CDR13) | on page 767 |
0x0138 | Channel 14 Data Register (CDR14) | on page 767 |
0x013C | Channel 15 Data Register (CDR15) available only on ADC_0 | on page 767 |
Field | Description |
OWREN | Overwrite enable This bit enables or disables the functionality to overwrite unread converted data. 0 Prevents overwrite of unread converted data; new result is discarded 1 Enables converted data to be overwritten by a new conversion |
WLSIDE | Write left/right-aligned 0 The conversion data is written right-aligned. 1 Data is left-aligned (from 15 to (15 – resolution + 1)). The WLSIDE bit affects all the CDR registers simultaneously. See Figure 460 and Figure 460. |
MODE | One Shot/Scan 0 One Shot Mode—Configures the normal conversion of one chain. 1 Scan Mode—Configures continuous chain conversion mode; when the programmed chain conversion is finished it restarts immediately. |
NSTART | Normal Start conversion Setting this bit starts the chain or scan conversion. Resetting this bit during scan mode causes the current chain conversion to finish, then stops the operation. This bit stays high while the conversion is ongoing (or pending during injection mode). 0 Causes the current chain conversion to finish and stops the operation 1 Starts the chain or scan conversion |
JTRGEN | Injection external trigger enable 0 External trigger disabled for channel injection 1 External trigger enabled for channel injection |
JEDGE | Injection trigger edge selection Edge selection for external trigger, if JTRGEN = 1. 0 Selects falling edge for the external trigger 1 Selects rising edge for the external trigger |
JSTART | Injection start Setting this bit will start the configured injected analog channels to be converted by software. Resetting this bit has no effect, as the injected chain conversion cannot be interrupted. |
CTUEN | Cross trigger unit conversion enable 0 CTU triggered conversion disabled 1 CTU triggered conversion enabled |
ADCLKSEL | Analog clock select This bit can only be written when ADC in Power-Down mode 0 ADC clock frequency is half Peripheral Set Clock frequency 1 ADC clock frequency is equal to Peripheral Set Clock frequency |
ABORTCHAIN | Abort Chain When this bit is set, the ongoing Chain Conversion is aborted. This bit is reset by hardware as soon as a new conversion is requested. 0 Conversion is not affected 1 Aborts the ongoing chain conversion |
ABORT | Abort Conversion When this bit is set, the ongoing conversion is aborted and a new conversion is invoked. This bit is reset by hardware as soon as a new conversion is invoked. If it is set during a scan chain, only the ongoing conversion is aborted and the next conversion is performed as planned. 0 Conversion is not affected 1 Aborts the ongoing conversion |
ACKO | Auto-clock-off enable If set, this bit enables the Auto clock off feature. 0 Auto clock off disabled 1 Auto clock off enabled |
PWDN | Power-down enable When this bit is set, the analog module is requested to enter Power Down mode. When ADC status is PWDN, resetting this bit starts ADC transition to IDLE mode. 0 ADC is in normal mode 1 ADC has been requested to power down |
Field | Description |
NSTART | This status bit is used to signal that a Normal conversion is ongoing. |
JABORT | This status bit is used to signal that an Injected conversion has been aborted. This bit is reset when a new injected conversion starts. |
JSTART | This status bit is used to signal that an Injected conversion is ongoing. |
CTUSTART | This status bit is used to signal that a CTU conversion is ongoing. |
CHADDR | Current conversion channel address This status field indicates current conversion channel address. |
ACKO | Auto-clock-off enable This status bit is used to signal if the Auto-clock-off feature is on. |
ADCSTATUS | The value of this parameter depends on ADC status: 000 IDLE — The ADC is powered up but idle. 001 Power-down — The ADC is powered down. 010 Wait state — The ADC is waiting for an external multiplexer. This occurs only when the DSDR register is non-zero. 011 Reserved 100 Sample — The ADC is sampling the analog signal. 101 Reserved 110 Conversion — The ADC is converting the sampled signal. 111 Reserved |
Field | Description |
INPLATCH | Configuration bit for latching phase duration |
OFFSHIFT | Configuration for offset shift characteristic 00 No shift (that is the transition between codes 000h and 001h) is reached when the AVIN (analog input voltage) is equal to 1 LSB. 01 Transition between code 000h and 001h is reached when the AVIN is equal to1/2 LSB 10 Transition between code 00h and 001h is reached when the AVIN is equal to 0 11 Not used Note: Available only on CTR0 |
INPCMP | Configuration bits for comparison phase duration |
INPSAMP | Configuration bits for sampling phase duration |
Field | Description |
CHn | Sampling enable When set Sampling is enabled for channel n. |
Field | Description |
CHn | Sampling enable When set, sampling is enabled for channel n |
Field | Description |
VALID | Used to notify when the data is valid (a new value has been written). It is automatically cleared when data is read. |
OVERW | Overwrite data This bit signals that the previous converted data has been overwritten by a new conversion. This functionality depends on the value of MCR[OWREN]: – When OWREN = 0, then OVERW is frozen to 0 and CDATA field is protected against being overwritten until being read. – When OWREN = 1, then OVERW flags the CDATA field overwrite status. 0 Converted data has not been overwritten 1 Previous converted data has been overwritten before having been read |
RESULT | This bit reflects the mode of conversion for the corresponding channel. 00 Data is a result of Normal conversion mode 01 Data is a result of Injected conversion mode 10 Data is a result of CTU conversion mode 11 Reserved |
CDATA | Channel 0-15 converted data. Depending on the value of the MCR[WLSIDE] bit, the position of this field can be changed as shown in Figure 460. |