First Test Project
1, Project Prepare
Launch Libero
Select [Project] → [New Project]
Select [M1A3P250-VQ100]
I/O Setting: [LVCMOS 3.3V]
Since now we have no HDL file yet, select [Next]
We have no constriant frile yet, select [Finish]
No, Enter the main window
[File] → [New] - > [SmartDesign]
Then, enter the main window
2, Clock Setting
Select [Catalog] → [Clock & Management] → [PLL - Static]
CLK A Setting set as: [40]
Primary GLA set as: [4]
MHz and checked the [Lock Control]
Then, Select [Generate…]
Core Name set as [PLL40_4] & Select [OK]
Back to main windows, there is a new block in top smart design windows as shown as follows:
3, Add Counter
From [Catalog] → Search [Counter]
Select the [Counter]
Set the counter properites, Async Cleae set as [Active Low], [26] bits width counter, then Select [Generate…]
Core name set as [Counter], and press [OK]
Back to main widow, the Counter_0 is shown as follows:
4, Add DeMux
[File] → [New] → [HDL]
Create a [Verilog] → Name: [DeMux]
Then, the DeMux was been created as follows:
Rewrite the DeMux.v as follows:
// Company: <Name>
// File: DeMux.v
// File history:
// <Revision number>: <Date>: <Comments>
// <Revision number>: <Date>: <Comments>
// <Revision number>: <Date>: <Comments>
// Description:
// <Description here>
// Targeted device: <Family::ProASIC3> <Die::M1A3P250> <Package::100 VQFP>
// Author: <Name>
//`timescale <time_units> / <precision>
module DeMux( a_in, sel, y_out );
input a_in;
input [1:0] sel;
output reg [3:0] y_out;
always @(a_in, sel)
case (sel)
2'b00: begin
y_out[0]=a_in; y_out[1]=1'b0; y_out[2]=1'b0; y_out[3]= 1'b0;
2'b01: begin
y_out[0]=1'b0; y_out[1]=a_in; y_out[2]=1'b0; y_out[3]=1'b0;
2'b10: begin
y_out[0]=1'b0; y_out[1]=1'b0; y_out[2]=a_in; y_out[3]=1'b0;
2'b11: begin
y_out[0]=1'b0; y_out[1]=1'b0; y_out[2]=1'b0; y_out[3]=a_in;
default: y_out=4'b0000;
After stored the file. we can use the right-click menu of Ctrl-B to check the syntax of the Verilog code.
Then, we can drag the DeMux.v into SmartDesign Window
5, Wiring Blocks
We can press the [Ctrl] key and select the pin that we need connect together
Use the mouse right click menu, select [Connect]
Then, the net will be created.
We need, slice the bits, select the signal and use mouse right-click menu, select [Edit Slice…]
We can separate the bits that we need.
The block will seperates the signals.
Wiring the related wires as follows:
For those unwired signal, we can mark it as [Make Unused]
The PowerDown Signal, we can set as [Tie High] for pull-up.
The top level signals, we can set them as [Promote to Top Level]
6, Synthesize Design
Goto [Design] → [Synthesize], use mouse right button menu, select [Run]
Oops, I am facing the [FlexNet Licensing Error Issue]
Let me check with FAE and then will back to finish this project.
After the license issue resolved, we can synthesize and compile this project
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