static void FirstExample () { //创建一个html的解析器 var parser = new HtmlParser (); //使用解析器解析文档 var document = parser.Parse ("<h1>Some example source</h1><p>This is a paragraph element"); Console.WriteLine ("输出整个文档的html:"); Console.WriteLine (document.DocumentElement.OuterHtml); //创建一个p元素 var p = document.CreateElement ("p"); //给p元素添加文本 p.TextContent = "This is another paragraph."; Console.WriteLine ("在body中插入一个P元素"); document.Body.AppendChild (p); Console.WriteLine ("输出整个文档的html:"); Console.WriteLine (document.DocumentElement.OuterHtml); }
static void UsingLinq () { //创建解析器 var parser = new HtmlParser (); //创建本地文档 var document = parser.Parse ("<ul><li>First item<li>Second item<li class='blue'>Third item!<li class='blue red'>Last item!</ul>"); //选取class='blue'的li集合,使用linq var blueListItemsLinq = document.All.Where (m => m.LocalName == "li" && m.ClassList.Contains ("blue")); //选取class='blue'的li集合,使用css选择器 var blueListItemsCssSelector = document.QuerySelectorAll (""); Console.WriteLine ("两种选择结果 ..."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("LINQ:"); foreach ( var item in blueListItemsLinq ) Console.WriteLine (item.Text ()); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("CSS:"); foreach ( var item in blueListItemsCssSelector ) Console.WriteLine (item.Text ()); }
static void SingleElements () { var parser = new HtmlParser (); var document = parser.Parse ("<b><i>This is some <em> bold <u>and</u> italic </em> text!</i></b>"); var emphasize = document.QuerySelector ("em"); Console.WriteLine ("Difference between several ways of getting text:"); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Only from C# / AngleSharp:"); Console.WriteLine (); //使用C#的方式输出 Console.WriteLine (emphasize.ToHtml ()); //<em> bold <u>and</u> italic </em> Console.WriteLine (emphasize.Text ()); //bold and italic Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("From the DOM:"); Console.WriteLine (); //使用dom的方式输出 Console.WriteLine (emphasize.InnerHtml); // bold <u>and</u> italic Console.WriteLine (emphasize.OuterHtml); //<em> bold <u>and</u> italic </em> Console.WriteLine (emphasize.TextContent);// bold and italic }
static void SimpleScriptingSample () { //创建一个自定义的配置文件,使用javascript var config = Configuration.Default.WithJavaScript (); //使用自定义的配置创建一个解析器 var parser = new HtmlParser (config); //将要被处理的文本 var source = @"<!doctype html> <html> <head><title>Sample</title></head> <body> <script> document.title = 'Simple manipulation...'; document.write('<span class=greeting>Hello World!</span>'); </script> </body>"; //使用解析器解析文档 var document = parser.Parse (source); //获取输出 //因为我们使用的是javascript的配置 ///所以在此文档 source 中会将其中的js代码执行 Console.WriteLine (document.DocumentElement.OuterHtml); }
static void ExtendedScriptingSample () { //创建一个自定义的配置器,使用js和css var config = Configuration.Default.WithJavaScript ().WithCss (); //使用自定义的配置器创建解析器 var parser = new HtmlParser (config); //创建一些html文档 var source = @"<!doctype html> <html> <head><title>Sample</title></head> <style> .bold { font-weight: bold; } .italic { font-style: italic; } span { font-size: 12pt; } div { background: #777; color: #f3f3f3; } </style> <body> <div id=content></div> <script> (function() { var doc = document; var content = doc.querySelector('#content'); var span = doc.createElement('span'); = 'myspan'; span.classList.add('bold', 'italic'); span.textContent = 'Some sample text'; content.appendChild(span); var script = doc.querySelector('script'); script.parentNode.removeChild(script); })(); </script> </body>"; //解析文档 var document = parser.Parse (source); ///输出文档 ///文档输出后会发现,js代码被执行了 css类也如js代码中写的那样被加入到元素上 Console.WriteLine (document.DocumentElement.OuterHtml); }
public static void EventScriptingExample () { //We require a custom configuration var config = Configuration.Default.WithJavaScript (); //Let's create a new parser using this configuration var parser = new HtmlParser (config); //This is our sample source, we will trigger the load event var source = @"<!doctype html> <html> <head><title>Event sample</title></head> <body> <script> console.log('Before setting the handler!'); document.addEventListener('load', function() { console.log('Document loaded!'); }); document.addEventListener('hello', function() { console.log('hello world from JavaScript!'); }); console.log('After setting the handler!'); </script> </body>"; var document = parser.Parse (source); //输出html Console.WriteLine (document.DocumentElement.OuterHtml); //注册html中的js事件 document.AddEventListener ("hello" , (s , ev) => { Console.WriteLine ("hello world from C#!"); }); //创建一个js事件 var e = document.CreateEvent ("event"); //初始化事件 e.Init ("hello" , false , false); //调用事件 document.Dispatch (e); }
RUNNING TESTS (v0.9.1) ============================================================================ AngleSharp CsQuery HTMLAgilityPack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- amazon 1ms 7ms 0ms blogspot 1ms 2ms 5ms smashing 1ms 1ms 1ms youtube 11ms 15ms 13ms weibo 0ms 0ms 0ms yahoo 8ms 35ms 22ms google 2ms 2ms 8ms linkedin 3ms 2ms 3ms pinterest 1ms 1ms 5ms 28ms 34ms 41ms baidu 1ms 1ms 6ms codeproject 4ms 4ms 4ms ebay 8ms 8ms 8ms msn 18ms 18ms 13ms nbc 5ms 4ms 8ms qq 17ms 1060ms 52ms florian-rappl 0ms 1ms 0ms stackoverflow 16ms 15ms 12ms html5rocks 0ms 0ms 0ms live 0ms 0ms 0ms taobao 14ms 15ms 7ms huffingtonpost 11ms 9ms 10ms wordpress 1ms 0ms 0ms myspace 20ms 29ms 21ms flickr 3ms 5ms 13ms godaddy 6ms 5ms 7ms reddit 6ms 9ms 6ms nytimes 14ms 13ms 13ms peacekeeper.futu... 0ms 0ms 1ms pcmag 9ms 11ms 16ms sitepoint 1ms 2ms 3ms html5test 0ms 1ms 2ms spiegel 15ms 12ms 13ms tmall 2ms 3ms 2ms sohu 20ms 46ms 39ms vk 2ms 0ms 1ms wordpress 2ms 0ms 0ms bing 1ms 1ms 4ms tumblr 2ms 3ms 3ms ask 0ms 0ms 1ms 6ms 11ms 15ms imdb 6ms 4ms 6ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 4ms 4ms 8ms 163 32ms 45ms 56ms neobux 1ms 0ms 0ms aliexpress 10ms 9ms 9ms netflix 4ms 3ms 7ms w3 912ms 579ms 1064ms en.wikipedia 37ms 26ms 33ms ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1292ms 2080ms 1583ms ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fastest 20 19 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowest 13 12 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------